Showing posts with label Android Apps. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Android Apps. Show all posts

Thursday, September 24, 2020

That Should Do It

I've finished my shooting Android application to my satisfaction. It has my current burn model in it and some, I repeat some, error checking in it. As usual it can be found in my Downloads Section under Mk1ShooterMod1.apk for the built Android App and Mk1ShooterMod1.aia for App Inventor file.

...Onward Through The Fog.

Monday, September 14, 2020

This is my Rifle...

This is my gun... I don't suppose I need to repeat that little ditty that one picks up in Basic Training in the U.S. Army. I assume they don't use that anymore given the coed nature of the Army these days. This is the object I'm speaking of.

Sunday, September 6, 2020

Ballistics Calculators

I've been working on a system to take with me shooting. It's essentially an external ballistics application for my Android phone that gives me bullet path calculations. It's not meant to be a whiz bang super ballistics calculator that will tell you everything for every bullet and condition. It's set up to calculate the functions I want for a limited number of cartridges, loading conditions and projectiles.

The first thing I did was develop the means to make any corrections needed for the flight path due to temperature, humidity or altitude. These can be all lumped together by calculating the air density. This is the circuit for the Assistant set-up. It's a little module (Bosch BME280) that reads temperature, atmospheric pressure, and relative humidity. I use those inputs to calculate the air density. It also accounts for any altitude corrections that might need to have been made through the direct reading of the atmospheric pressure. In fact the manufacturer likes to claim you can get an altitude within a meter or so from it. The values are read in and sent via Bluetooth to my Android app.

Sunday, August 23, 2020

Odds and Ends

I prefer to build my own applications for things. I like to create and then maintain a bunch of building blocks that I can quickly adapt them for any particular application. I have put some of them in my public downloads drive which can be accessed from the links in the lower right side of the blog. The phone apps and u-processor executables have virtually no self-checks or error avoidance in them. They're not really intended for everyday users they're more for people looking to adapt them for their own use, so you've been cautioned.

Tuesday, August 18, 2020

A Phone App for The Uncommunicative

I don't talk much on my phone and I don't care much for texting either. For some reason my wife would like to hear from me when I'm on the road, or to at least know I'm not dead. I've created this app for my phone so that when I trigger the app she receives an update of my location. I used the MIT App Inventor suite because it was pretty easy to learn and I can build something quickly. Here are the blocks from App Inventor. If I can figure out how to share files on some cloud storage without compromising it some of this stuff will be available for download in the near future. Update: Check the lower right side of the blog.