Thursday, July 30, 2020
Building an Engine Controller: The Interfaces
Wednesday, July 29, 2020
Building an Engine Controller: The microprocessor
Obviously to run the whole thing I need a microprocessor. There are some great products out there to help in a build like this. Most of the work I have done in the past has been using PIC products. This required working in Assembly which I don’t particularly care for. I don’t know what the current state of affairs is with PIC these days so I really can’t say. Fortunately there are a number of suites to build a system using C++ as the programming language. I’ve used both the ST Micro STM32 system and the Arduino based system in various builds. I prefer the Arduino system because a lot of work has been done by other people and various routines are freely available. I also like the Arduino IDE suite. One other important factor is the footprint required. I chose to use two Arduino Nano boards for this build.
Tuesday, July 28, 2020
Building an Engine Controller: The Signal
Any engine control unit uses crankshaft and camshaft position to determine the timing of the various events needed to run an engine. The D16 series Honda engine has three variable reluctance (VR) wheels located in the distributor. The first wheel has one tooth on it which provides an index for the other two wheels. The second has 4 teeth on it and are positioned such that the pistons are at top dead center (TDC) when the tooth is positioned over the magnet. Finally the third wheel has 16 teeth on it to provide a crankshaft position signal (CPS). A photo of the interior of the distributor and a three dimensional drawing of the Honda VR wheels is shown.
Monday, July 27, 2020
Building an Engine Controller
Dogs. I've had a lifelong relationship with horses and dogs, and if pressed I couldn't give you an answer as to which is my favorite...
During my undergraduate days I ran a shock physics lab primarily studying the welding window for explosively welding dis-similar materials. ...
I've finished up most of my horticultural work for the year and soon it will be time for the plant world to rest for the winter. We don...