Showing posts with label Horticulture. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Horticulture. Show all posts

Friday, October 16, 2020

Seki-Joju Bonsai and The End of The Season

I've finished up most of my horticultural work for the year and soon it will be time for the plant world to rest for the winter. We don't have much of a fall here but when winter descends it comes fast and with a vengeance. I planted my newest bonsai in its pot and it seems to be thriving. I have it wired for training and the root system is strong.

Seki-Joju Style Bonsai.

Wednesday, August 19, 2020

Air Layering

Suppose you had a strong need for propagating more fruit or nut trees for a food source but you have no way to get the plants. What would you do? Fortunately for us the plant world is both prolific and highly adapted to self-propagate. Yes, most trees can be propagated from seed, but it's difficult, and usually takes a long period of time to get bearing trees. Also with seeds it's sexual reproduction and as such it's difficult to know how the resulting offspring will turn out. One method to speed this up and avoid any other growing from seed issues is through cloning. There are two main methods of cloning plants; from cuttings or air layering. Not all trees and the like will take well from cuttings, or the success rate is so low it's almost impossible to do. The best way I've found to propagate trees, vines, or shrubs is through air layering or Marcotting. This involves exposing the cambium of the plant and then promoting root growth in the exposed area. The resulting new root bearing stem is obviously an identical clone of the original plant and will thus bear true. The methodology is as follows and is done visually through photographs.

Thursday, August 6, 2020

Seki-joju Bonsai

Or root over rock style bonsai. Six months ago I started a few Mesquite trees from seed. Mesquite trees can be quite invasive so I have limited the numbers that I've planted on my land and watch out for volunteers. One of life's smaller pleasures is at the end of the day walking the property, running a critical eye over things and having one's dogs following faithfully along.  I like Mesquite trees for their nitrogen fixing properties, their drought hardiness, and they provide a good habitat for birds. But I digress...