Sunday, September 4, 2022

A Man and His Buds

Dogs. I've had a lifelong relationship with horses and dogs, and if pressed I couldn't give you an answer as to which is my favorite. Could you answer anyone if they asked you which of your children do you like the most? Back in 2010 I jokingly said to my wife, "I need a wolf." Damned if she didn't find me one that had a bit of dog in him. Most of his genetics expressed as wolf, including much of his behavior. He weighed in at over 100 pounds and was a handful.  Here's a photo of him and my other dog.

As one might imagine having a wolf can be a bit troublesome. If you think you might train a wolf, forget it. What you can do is bond with him and become a packmate. He was my hunting and fishing companion. I would heave a trout to him and he'd give me a look almost to say, "what, this is all for me?" Crunch, head, fins, entrails, everything, gone in a flash.

My other dog, my favorite breed Heinz 57, they have a little bit of everything in them. He's my working dog. He hustles the horses when needed and worked cattle well. He's also my truck dog. A man has to have a dog in his pick-up.

I had to put my wolf down not too long ago. They tend to die fairly young for canines. My other dog has mostly retired and his days are filled with power lounging in the sun, and pick-up rides. Oh, and wienies, lots of wienies.


  1. Saw your link in the comment you left over at Severian's blog. Enjoyed what I've seen so far. Animals are my particular fondness. I encountered a half-wolf dog some years back and it was a memorable experience.
    SK Orr,

  2. Thanks, I mostly use this as a repository for things I'm up to so family members can take a look. I really dislike more obvious social media like Facebook, or whatever it is these days.
