Sunday, August 23, 2020

Odds and Ends

I prefer to build my own applications for things. I like to create and then maintain a bunch of building blocks that I can quickly adapt them for any particular application. I have put some of them in my public downloads drive which can be accessed from the links in the lower right side of the blog. The phone apps and u-processor executables have virtually no self-checks or error avoidance in them. They're not really intended for everyday users they're more for people looking to adapt them for their own use, so you've been cautioned.

The first set of new files are for a NRF24L transceiver pair using a Arduino Nano board. They are designated simple_nrf24transmitter.ino and simple_nrf24receiver.ino respectively. I use this set-up to remotely monitor my water usage from my wells. I'm currently getting about half a mile LOS distance with transmission through one exterior wall with a good antenna. 

The second set of files are for linking Arduino boards to an Android phone via Bluetooth. The Arduino files are in the Arduino folder and are called bt_analog_send.ino and bt_function_send.ino. These have been compiled and run with no errors. The associated AppInventor files for running each are in the App Inventor folder and are bluetooth_analog_loop.aia and bluetooth_function_call.aia.

They must be used in pairs to run properly. The analog_send file must be uploaded to an Arduino to run using the analog_loop Android app. This application calls and then writes the analog values at the ADC inputs on the Arduino after digital conversion. The function_send  file is paired with the function_call  Android app. The application calls the Arduino board and tells it to execute a Case number. The Arduino returns an acknowledgement text to the app.

All of the files have been compiled and run on their respective platforms with no errors.

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